The Anime Cafe - Your complete source for anime reviews

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Where to Buy Anime

Can't find your favourite anime title? Here are our favourite places to order anime. Remember: by supporting the distribution of legal copies of videos, you are supporting the anime industry!

(Note: The Animé Café does not necessarily endorse these businesses, nor the products they sell. We merely provide this link list as a service to our visitors. Links must be limited to sites which sell to people in North America.)

[ AnimeNation ] AnimeNation
15% discount from suggested retail on domestic anime releases.

[ Anime-Otaku ] Anime Otaku
For all your anime needs, including DVD, VHS, posters, CD's and even T-shirts!

[ Facets Video ] Facets Video
A unique, non-profit media-arts organization, carries over 35,000 video titles on VHS, LD and DVD including many hard-to-find items. Facets Video features their 'Whole Toon Catalogue', and a fully searchable website.

[ J-Store ] J-Store
A newly opened section of's website. Anime Cafe visitors can get a 5% discount on their orders by typing "animecafe" in the Special Remarks box at the checkout.

[ Jungle Special Collector's Shop Osaka ] Jungle Special Collector's Shop Osaka
Second hand anime shop for R2 DVDs. They also carry anime goods, have a pre-order service as well as an item-watch service for used goods.

[ Nikaku Animart ] Nikaku Animart
The oldest, and one of the most respected anime retailers in the industry. Nearly 12 years in the business, with the largest catalogue of anime and manga titles anywhere.

[ The Right Stuf ] The Right Stuf International Inc.
Providing anime since 1987, these folks have a wonderful website complete with a great primer on the history of anime.

[ The Sentry Box ] The Sentry Box
Canada's largest adventure gaming and science fiction & fantasy book store, with over 13,000 sq. feet of space - conveniently located in the heart of Calgary, Alberta. They fueled our appetite for anime, and now we can't stop!

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Page last modified 2003.02.17.