The Anime Cafe - Your complete source for anime reviews

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[ the animé café anime giveaway contest ]

The Animé Café Giveaway Contest

  • What is it, and what are the rules?
  • Miyuki

    Every one or two months, for as long as supplies last, we'll be giving away an item related to animé -- it might be a poster, T-shirt or a video tape. The contest will involve some means to improve our site, and is open to all persons in the continental United States and Canada (excluding Quebec), except where prohibited by law. Entries are made by e-mail to Winning entries will be selected by random draw, and will have their name and city posted on this web page (but no addresses will be posted). Video tapes given away as prizes are original tapes only. Some may have been pre-viewed, but all will be in "like new" condition.

    Entries submitted must have the following:

    • name
    • mailing address
    • age
    • e-mail address

    Entries must be submitted between the first day of the opening month and the last day of the closing month, Mountain Standard Time. All other entries will be discarded. Winners will be notified by e-mail. All prizes will be sent by regular mail (hey, I'm cheap).

    Important change to the rules!

    Please note, a maximum of one entry per person will be permitted per day. Please do NOT flood the form as you will merely flood yourself and result in your entries disqualification.

    the contests:

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    © 1997-2004. All rights reserved. The Animé Café logo and the Crystal Kyoko award are original creations of the Animé Café. Please do not use any of the materials on this site without the expressed written permission of the Animé Café.

    Page last modified 2004.07.21